Squashabout is located within the GoodLife Fitness, Dunfield Club.
We have 7 squash courts (2 North American Courts (18’ wide), 4 Converted Racquetball Squash Courts (20’ wide), 1 International Court (21’ wide).

Why Squash?
Squash is one of the most dynamic and fun sports that is play all year round. At Squashabout we have players of all levels and ages that span generations. "It's one of those sports that once you try you'll get hooked."
Let us help you get started OR restarted back on court. Email Bryan to book in a complementary assessment on court.
Who is Bryan?
Bryan Chin is the President of Squashabout Inc. Before the launch of Squashabout in November 2019, Bryan was the Head Professional at the GoodLife Fitness, Dunfield; where Squashabout is currently located.
Bryan, is originally from the country of Guyana, and has played squash for over 35 years since the age of 10. His vision for Squashabout is an inclusive Squash club that caters to players of all ages and levels. Join Bryan and his family on the journey of "Squash for Life."
Bryan with his family.

Try before you Buy?
At Squashabout we believe that you should have a chance to try before you buy. Book a time to come in and demo some of our racquets. Every racquet feels different, so it's wise to try before you buy
Squashabout Staff

Three of our Professionals, Spencer Robitaille, Bryan Chin and Jerry Wieckowski.

Assistant Pro: Sean Oh